Gordon Moore Park Restoration

Restoring Gordon Moore

Forty years ago, community leaders and the labor unions gave our area a wonderful gift – Gordon Moore Park. However, stunning as it once was, recent years have found the beauty subdued by rundown and outdated facilities.

Undoubtedly, nearly everyone has visited Gordon Moore Park to watch children play soccer, enjoy the gorgeous rose garden, fish, play a round of gold, and so much more. Gordon Moore Park offers numerous types of recreation but these visits reveal our park is in need of revitalization.

Over one million cars visit our park yearly. When someone visits they see a representation of our entire community. We must present ourselves better! Our park can be an economic engine for area businesses. A better park attracts more tournaments, translating into dinners at area restaurants and booked rooms in our hotels.

Much like forty years ago, a committee of various leaders in our community has formed to help make this happen. There is an overwhelming amount of potential to be had, as many have noticed. What started out as a small idea has grown into a unique opportunity that everyone can contribute to as well as benefit from. Initially a simple proposal to incorporate some minor improvements, it grew to a $1.7 million project, and now to today being a $2.2 million project. What is most exciting is that already $1.575 million has already been raised!

A renovation of this magnitude cannot be accomplished alone. Our goal is to raise $425,000 and start construction by 2017. Four decades ago, we were handed this jewel. Now it is our turn to step up and create the success our community deserves.

Goals achieved for this restoration

  • New Entrance

  • New Concession Stand with shaded seating area

  • New Inclusive Playground with something for every child

  • Renovations to the Muenstermann Building

  • New Bathroom facilities

  • All improvements implement ADA access

Donations & Contributions

Leave Your Mark: Support Our Project with a Personalized Brick

Miles Davis Memorial Project

Miles Dewey Davis III was born in Alton, Illinois on May 26, 1926 in a house located at 1112 Milnor Street. The house still exists. Miles Davis was one of the most influential jazz musicians in the world.

The mission for this project was to recognize his contribution to the world of music and art and to bring our diverse community together as one.

The idea for the Miles Davis Memorial Project was presented to the Pride, Incorporated Board of Directors in 2012. The Board agreed to move forward with the project and provided financial support for a start- up committee. Pride, Inc. also managed all accounting and provided office support for the committee.

Patricia Ackman and Karen Wilson (Pride, Inc. Board members) co-chaired the project and began the research and formed a new committee that consisted of individuals involved with other successful community minded non-profit organizations, community leaders, corporations, and citizens.

There was collaboration with the Alton Museum of History and Art with whom we shared the same vision to honor the musical career of Miles Dewey Davis III.

We were one community working together with a vision to improve the aesthetics of our city and to use the project as a catalyst for other endeavors that may attract tourists to share in this historic and unique community. This was a community dream team.

Fund raising kicked off July 20, 2013 and the sculpture was unveiled on September 12, 2015. The committee raised $150,000, to fund the sculpture and site construction. This was achieved through a tourism grant from the State of Illinois, generous donations from local Corporations and individuals, various fundraisers, and brick and block sales.

Artist – Preston Jackson

Plaza design – Barry Moyer, Mick Monahan and Cass Sheppard

Stone and brick work – Gerald Walker and Jeff Walker

Contractor management – Bill Moyer

Committee Members: Patricia Ackman, Karen Wilson, Pete & Jody Basola, John Barnerd, Monica

Bristow, Bart Elfrink, Jared Hennings, James Killion, Bill Moyer, Sara McGibany, Derrick Richardson,

Alderman Jim Ryan, Joan Sheppard, Russ Smith, Brett Stawar, Ken Whiteside, and Heather Hope (Pride,

Inc. Exec. Dir.).

Alton Museum of History & Art Committee collaborators: Abe Barham and Tom Raglin.

State House Circle

Pride, Incorporated led a fundraising effort at what is known to Altonians as the old State House Circle. It is located at College and Central Avenues and adjacent to OSF St Anthony’s Health Center.

In 2016, to celebrate Pride, Inc.’s 50th anniversary as a beautification organization, we felt State House Circle was a perfect project that would further improve the neighborhood. This location holds historical significance to its citizens.

The first capital of Illinois was located in Kaskaskia, Illinois and was moved in 1819 to Vandalia. In the late 1820’s, Illinois citizens began to advocate relocating the capitol to a location nearer the center of the state.

A bill was introduced in 1833 for a statewide vote to determine a new location from a list of choices including Alton, Jacksonville, Peoria, Springfield, and Vandalia, which were at the at the state’s actual geographic center.

Alton was the victor, due to its proximity to the Mississippi River and the promise of a railroad hub. However, the legislature determined the margin of votes too small to be conclusive and ignored the vote.

In 1836, a young lawyer named Abraham Lincoln and his colleagues in the legal profession advocated moving the capitol to Springfield.

On February 25, 1837, the General Assembly voted to relocate the capitol from Vandalia to Springfield. However, had the 1833 vote been upheld, Alton’s State House Circle would have been the location of the Illinois state capital.

A fountain was installed in the late 1950’s and by the 1990’s it had become unrepairable. The Alton/Godfrey Rotary Club updated the fountain and planted trees at the location. Over time, the trees became overgrown and unmanageable. Through the cooperation of the City of Alton, the trees were removed in preparation for a new landscaping project.

It has since been the volunteers from Pride, Inc. who continue to pour their hearts and souls into keeping the area attractive and well-groomed. In the fall of 2023, Pride, Inc. purchased 4 sizeable Autumn Blaze Maple trees that were planted on the Circle, giving it a special pop of color in the fall.

If anyone is interested in assisting with one or more of our beautification projects, please contact us.


• An arboretum and street tree planting in Bethalto with the Bethalto Beautification Committee

• Planting of bushes at the East Alton Community Center with the East Alton Women’s Club

• Coordinated a tree planting program in Rock Spring Park with the Upper Alton Women’s Club and planted 500 hardwood seedlings in the area of Homer Adams Parkway by the Godfrey Lions Club and the Boy Scouts.

• Coordinated planting of 100 dogwood trees along Route 67 in Alton by Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts

• Arbor day planting of White Oaks, the Illinois state tree, by 25 area schools

• Planting of trees, shrubs, and ornamental grasses along Godfrey, Humbert, and Delmar Roads sponsored by the Godfrey Women’s Club and the Village of Godfrey

• Planted 600 wildflower plugs and 100 pounds of wildflower seeds at the northwest corner of the intersection of Twentieth Street and Highway 67 in Alton

• Planted 1,200 spring-flowering bulbs 850 in flower beds around Lincoln Douglas Square in Alton, 200 in Bethalto, and 250 in Roxana thanks to a donation from Alton Community Service League.

• Improvement of Monument Street with the East End Improvement Association. Trees were planted on both sides of the street.

• A beautification program, including the planting of flowering globe locust trees, along Madison Avenue in Wood River by American Oil’s Wood River refinery.

Directed By Pride

• A three-year program undertaken in 1966 to beautify, repair, and improve the Lovejoy Memorial Monument; dedicated in 1969 by Governor Richard B. Ogilvie.

• Coordinated the beautification of three triangles on Court Street in Alton, including the installation of a fountain on each triangle by members of Hellrung Construction company, donated to the City of Alton.

• Formal dedication of the Alton Godfrey Jaycees lookout in Riverview Park in Alton.

• Beautification of two triangles in Wood River with the Wood River Women’s Club and Home Nursery..

• Played a leadership role in the development of a plan to preserve the bluffs from Alton to Pere Marquette State Park, except the City of Grafton. The Pride sponsored law was signed by the Governor of Illinois in early 1991 after nearly a year of work and is known as The Alton Lake Heritage Parkway

• Establishment of the Beltline Beautification Committee (now called Homer Adams Parkway).

• Sponsored Project Look Good attempting to control the weed problem in the business areas of the City of Alton

• Coordinated beautification of the Olin parking lot area in East Alton by Olin Corporation.

• Coordinated a tree planting program in Rock Spring Park with the Upper Alton Women’s Club. Planted 500 hardwood seedlings in the area of Homer Adams Parkway by the Godfrey Lion’s Club and the Boy Scouts.

• Development of the Nan Elliott Memorial Rose Garden.

• Student Pride Members organized the first “March for Parks” in conjunction with the 25th anniversary of Earth Day.

• Cosponsored Golf for Youth Program with the Spencer T. Olin Community Golf Course.

• Purchased thirty wrought iron trash cans thanks to a grant from Alton Township and worked with the Upper Alton Business Association, the Parkway Association, the North Alton Business Association, and the Alton Marketplace to make the project possible.

• Pride’s Students Pride committee-organized fall and spring cleanups.

• Preservation of the Alton Lake as a national recreational area.Placed litter containers along the Great River Road Bike Trail by Pepsi-Cola Company in Alton.


• Project Soar in cooperation with Piasa Bird Council, Boy Scouts, and Owens Illinois. This project included Operation Eye Sore, Litter Bag Sunday and the Great River Road Cleanup.

• Worked with Senator Sam Vadalabene, IDOT, and other agencies to establish, maintain, upgrade and expand the Vadalabene Bike Trail along the Great River Road from Alton to Grafton.

• Received $5 million grant from The Olin Foundation for design and construction of the Spencer T. Olin Community Golf Course under auspices of Alton Park and Recreation Commission headed by Dr. Gordon F. Moore.

• Requested traffic lights are installed at the entrance to the Gordon F. Moore Park for safety reasons.

• Worked in cooperation with the Greater Alton/Twin Rivers Growth Association, the Corps of Engineers, and the City of Alton for the development of the Alton Riverfront.

• Coordinated a tree planting program in Rock Spring Park with the Upper Alton Women’s Club.

• Planted 500 hardwood seedlings in the area of Homer Adams Parkway by the Godfrey Lions Club and the Boy Scouts.

• An Earth Week Program in cooperation with Alton, Marquette, and Wood River High School students.

• Cosponsored Golf for Youth Program with the Spencer T. Olin Community Golf Course.


• Operation Clean Lake and many River Road cleanups

• Cleanup of Vaughn Hill Cemetery in Wood River by Scout Troop 44 in Roxana

• Cleanup of debris in Pere Marquette State Park by students of Principia College

• Cleanup of roadsides in Rosewood Heights by the youth of the First Baptist Church, Rosewood Heights

• Cleanup weeks in Alton, East Alton, and Wood River

• Pride’s Student Pride committee organized fall and spring cleanups.

"Transforming Lives, One Brushstroke at a Time:

The Bucket Brigade Story"

"Transforming Lives, One Brushstroke at a Time:

The Bucket Brigade Story"

The Bucket Brigade co-sponsored by Pride, Inc and Sherwin-Williams has been painting the exterior of homes for area residents since 1988. Dale Neudecker, a Pride, Inc. board member, created Bucket Brigade with the hope that neighbors helping neighbors would add a fresh look to the community and lift the spirits of those being helped. Since its inception, Bucket Brigade has

painted over 1500 houses.

The program matches volunteer teams with homeowners who are no longer able to maintain their homes without assistance. To qualify for the program, homes must be one-story, owner-occupied residences.

Most of the homeowners who benefit from this program are seniors who simply cannot handle such a huge job alone. Other recipients are those with physical or financial limitations that prevent them from doing the work. Volunteer teams complete the painting at no cost to the homeowner.

Our exclusive paint supplier is Sherwin-Williams. They donate the first 300 gallons of paint.

Other organizations and individuals have also supported Bucket Brigade with their generous donations.

For years teams got together and selected homes that had been nominated and approved, and everyone painted on a designated “Paint Day”. As volunteers and qualifying homes have

dwindled, Bucket Brigade is still going but the procedure has changed.

A team wishing to paint a qualifying home submits a Grant Application for the home to be

painted. The committee makes sure it meets the criteria and then works with Sherwin Williams

and the volunteer team to get them the paint for their planned paint day.


6722 Godfrey Road,

Godfrey, IL 62035

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